What to Do About Chipped Baby Teeth
Children are naturally rambunctious with all their high-energy antics such as running, jumping, diving, or just biting down too hard on something. It goes without saying that a chipped baby tooth is a common experience during these early stages, especially a chipped front tooth.

If your child chips his or her tooth, don’t panic. Unless your child is in pain, a chipped baby tooth is usually nothing serious. Nevertheless, when a chipped tooth does occur, it’s wise to call the dentist and schedule an appointment. Because the sooner you deal with the problem, the better. After all, sometimes your child may not even realize what just happened, and there may be damage that you can’t see.
Chipped Baby Tooth Repair
There are many ways to deal with a chipped tooth and it’s worth reiterating that you should always see a dentist as soon as possible after the event, no matter how severe. A chipped tooth can cause pain and discomfort when chewing or when exposed to very hot or cold temperatures. Below is a list of methods on how best to deal with a chipped tooth.
- Stay calm: Chipping a tooth is a common thing among children. When such an event happens, there’s no need for alarm. Also remember not to make your child feel self-conscious about their chipped tooth, even if it’s noticeable.
- Check your child: You’ll want to check and see if your child is in pain or crying. Also check for blood.
- Call the dentist: Remaining calm, explain what happened and follow any instructions your dentist may give you before scheduling an appointment.
Learn more about when to take your baby or toddler to the dentist. - Rinse / cold compress: Aside from calling the dentist, you’ll want to rinse your child’s mouth with cold water and apply a cold compress to reduce any potential swelling. You’ll also want to collect any teeth fragments from the scene of the accident and bring them to your dentist. In a case where you cannot find any teeth fragments and your child is having difficulty breathing, immediately take them to an emergency room to make sure they didn’t inhale any teeth fragments.
- Pain relief: If your child continues to feel pain after the event, an advised amount of children’s ibuprofen is appropriate. If you are not sure, ask your dentist or doctor what the correct dosage before administering any medication.
- Keep an eye on it: In some cases, the damage from the lost tooth will become visible later, such as a chipped baby tooth turning grey. Also make sure their gums do not become infected.
While it’s never fun when your child gets a chipped tooth, sometimes these things happen, and having a plan is essential in such an event.
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